About Us

Josh's journey into Quantitative Finance began in 2021 shortly after completing a Masters in Physics from the University of Cambridge and entering a Physics PhD programme. He had heard from friends and colleagues that mathematical researchers are highly rewarded in finance, but didn't know what being a Quant meant or what you would need to know to be one. So, he began to research the Quantitative Finance industry to understand how feasible it would be to land a graduate job.

By the end of the academic year he was convinced that switching from a technical discipline to Quantitative Finance is possible. He dropped out of the doctoral programme to pursue studying Quantitative Finance full-time, researching the industry further and applying to Trader and Quant positions. He started his career in February 2022 as a Quantitative Researcher at Flow Traders in Amsterdam.

At the time, no platform existed to guide him in his transition from STEM to finance. In late 2023, he embarked on a project to create such a resource, and the result of this is FutureQuant. He will be continually adding material and improving the functionality of the site into the future.

Josh grew up in Coventry, UK. He has had a lifelong fascination with Physics and Mathematics, and finds that Quantitative Finance scratches the same itch. In his spare time, he enjoys studying psychology, weightlifting and poker.

Josh Nelson

Quant Developer at Man Group

MRes Quantum Engineering, Bristol
MASt Physics, Cambridge
BSc Physics, Exeter

Annanay Kapila

Quant Trader at Tower Research

MMath Mathematics, Cambridge
BA Mathematics, Cambridge

Annanay started his career as a Quantitative Trader at Flow Traders in Amsterdam. Originally just a temporary measure to make some money before embarking on a PhD, four years (and countless postponement emails to his old supervisor) later, he is still in the field, still loving every second of it.

As a graduate in Mathematics from Cambridge, he was surrounded by course-mates aiming for Quantitative Finance jobs, but was frustrated by the lack of cohesive preparation resources for Quant interviews, and intrigued by the fact that so many students in other STEM disciplines had not heard of the industry despite its obvious desirability to those who knew. Now that he has a deeper understanding of the industry, he is excited to be a part of FutureQuant and offer his no-nonsense expertise in Quant recruiting to the next generation.

Annanay was born in Chandigarh, India and moved to the UK with his family when he was just 5 years old. He ran the 800m competitively at University and still enjoys outdoor pursuits and keeping active, as well as listening to music, learning languages and connecting with his heritage through food (mostly eating rather than cooking).